If you need for your car to be taken care of for years, start with important parts like the transmission. By managing the transmission you'll be able to keep your car working the way that it should and will be able to squeeze as many good years as possible out of it. The tips in this article will show you the best ways to take care of your transmission. Read on and contact an auto shop near you:

#1: Keep your fluid maintenance as one of your main priorities

When you need for your transmission to stay in great shape, start out by looking at the transmission fluid. In general, this fluid should be light red or pink and slick to the touch. If you notice that this fluid is starting to burn out or drain, you'll have a tougher time getting great performance out of your transmission. When in doubt, take your vehicle to an auto shop that can look into the fluid container to make sure that the fluid isn't starting to leak or otherwise give you issues. You also need to learn what types of transmission fluid are available so that you can fill the reservoir and keep the part at its absolute best. 

#2: Focus on caring for the brakes

Believe it or not, the care of your brakes plays a huge role in the condition of your transmission. When you're driving regularly, make sure that you start taking your foot off the brake, since taxing the part too much will also have a direct effect on your transmission. This part will get stressed out when you're constantly tapping the brake, or if your brake pads are starting to wear thin. Make sure that you take your brakes in for service if you're not sure whether this is an issue or not. 

#3: Take your car in for regular transmission care

When you're looking to keep your transmission in sound shape, you need to find a repair shop that specializes in this kind of work. They will repair your transmission for anywhere between $300 and $850 in most cases, so take the time to get regular inspections and maintenance. A car shop in your area should be able to assist you with anything from fluid inspections to taking out and replacing the whole transmission. 

Follow these strategies so that you're able to get the most out of your transmission. Contact a company like Karry's Automotive Service Center for more information and assistance. 
